Thank you for answering me FEA way and Erik Panos Koston.
I used contact interaction, more specifically surface to surface contact and I applied a small friction coefficient since I tried to impose the frictionless but it gave me an error.
So can you tell me please what are the default...
I am trying to simulate a pushover test of a brick wall supported by a metalling plate at the base that will keep in his place without any connection at the edges in order to prevent the generation of traction forces.
I am not able to define the right coupling between the bricks and the...
Thanks Erick,
You helped me a lot, I performed a simulation for the whole wall and I solved the problem by introducing the adjust slave node option as you mentioned to me before.
I tried to apply the slave adjustment on the horizontal interaction between the bricks, nothing changed.
I attached the .cae file here if you can check it please.
Thanks for your replay.
In fact the implicit dynamics is running very well, and the blocks stay in there place(I applied a small displacement). I tried also to perform an implicit simulation by applying cyclic load for a whole wall, and the behaviour is normal, the wall swings with each...
My goal is to model a brick wall in Abaqus/standard,
I started by a static simulation using 2D elements where 4 bricks(4 rectangular elements) were placed as fig.1 shows and a surface to surface contact was created between them(cohesive and friction properties)
I created two steps one...
I know the difference between implicit and explicit, and the transient method can be used in the both methods by changing the parameters, I thougth that there is other special options in Abaqus.
Implicit method it's a memory consuming I can't use it.
At this moment it's a simple stucture of 1...
I used rigid bodies for the slab in order to reduce the number of elements and the time of the simulations and it's work.
Plz can you explain the difference between explicit and transient dynamic in Standard and which Step should I use?
Thank you
I want to perform a dynamic-explicit analysis in order to see the response of a structure Under a real seismic loading(acc or disp) but the total time of the loading is 38 sec and it will be a time consuming mention that I can't increase a lot the size of the elements. Is there a...
thanks for your response
In fact I've checked the results of the integration points and the values exceed the yielding stress in the vertical direction in all the simulations even though the Mises stress gives always the correct values and present an elastic perfect plastic behaviour.
I started with a simple model a column in 3D, fixed at the bottom and the top expect a horizontal direction where a displacement was added along the edge equal to 3 cm(in the X direction).
I defined the properties of the steel elastic E 210 000 MPa , perfect plastic fy=235 MPa plastic...