What you measured is Tc, case (package) temperature. Even if both LEDs had exactly the same power and efficiency, and thus die junction temperature Tj would have been identical, differences in the heatsink design would make Qjc different, hence the variation in Tc.
This tutorial from Maxim can...
Thanks Tick.
You're right, and not only components size reduction becomes harder, there are real limitations when we go very small (even before we hit hard limits).
Seems like many professionals know how to discuss silicon downsizing, and I had the opportunity to work with extremely small...
Thanks Kenat - mostly a talk. I think if I had the bandwidth to write it down it'd become a chapter in a book. I'm better at giving talks. What were you thinking of?
Hello all!
I recently moved to Silicon Valley area and looking for a conference to give a talk titled:
"Limitations to shrinking power supplies and miniaturization of magnetic components"
Which is targeting EE professionals, not necessarily within the power electronics community.
Besides big...