AISC 325-17AW Steel Construction Manual Table 1-7A Workable Gages in Angle Legs shows fastener spacings for structural angles. I understand that this "Workable Gage" refers to the transverse center-to-center spacing of fasteners that will "work" so as to meet edge distance and space...
Ah ! Thank you. Asked and answered.
It sounds similar to what you get if you use "Remove Parameters".
In fact I just tried it and indeed "Remove Parameters" when I did that to a line creates a line in Non-timestamp Geometry. It gets removed from "Model History" of the model navigator, and...
The answer for me, using NX12 was to got to Part Navigator while in Drafting mode.
Rt-click on each view and click properties, Attributes tab.
It the column VWLETTER or VWLETTER_DISP is where I found the an "imported" Front view lettered "A". Why Siemens WHY?????
Two diameter Total runout picture, but I've never seen this done with just one single diameter on the part which is what I have.
I have a simple pin that is not intended to rotate in its hole but needs to be a close tolerance fit.
I am undecided if I should callout out Total Runnout or simply straightness, and by straightness I mean the Axial type, i.e. straightness applied to the diameter callout not pointing at the...
Is it possible to perform a Fatigue analysis with the Generative Structural Analysis workbench?
That is applying low-level load cycles and application of some metal fatigue theory.
I only see Static Case, Frequency Case, Buckling Case, and Combined Case.
There is also Static Constrained...
Can someone explain the logic behind ASME 14.5 1.6.2(a) which states:
1.6.2(a) A zero is not used before the decimal point for values of less than 1 in.
To the contrary 1.6.1(a) for metric units (millimeters) states the opposite:
1.6.1(a) Where the dimension is less than one millimeter, a zero...
It is used by Shigley & Mitchell in their equation for thread stress. As=pi*dm*Le/2 As=shear area of the thread
I think I may have an answered to my own question.
In the footnotes of Table (8-1) and (8-2) it says: "the pitch diameter dm=d - 0.649 519p" Where d=major dia and...
This is a very basic question but still a source of confusion for me at least.
More annoying than it is critical to know, but here it is:
Shigley & Mitchell Mechanical Engineering Design 4th ed. P339 refers the dm = "Mean Diameter" of a screw thread.
What's not clear in my old 4th edition is...