Can Mathcad (or one of the extension packs) compute square equasion of eigenvaluses.
I know Mathcad can compute eigenvectors or eigenvalues but is it possible to solve eigen equasion Ax^2+Bx+C=0 ?
OK my English isn't good but I'll try to repeat. do the following steps:
1)Open new area
2)insert new text region
3)insert new math region into tex region
4)define a new variale (egz. a:=2)
5)go to the new area
6)type "a=" and Mathcad will automaticaly add 2 (a=2) (variable is defined)...
When I insert a new text region and define a variable in this region, variable becomes "invisible" outside the area if the area is collapsed. If area isn't collapsed variable is visiable. Is it bug in Mathcad?
Are double, guadrupole precision computations possible in Mathcad 11? I even don't what is double, guadrupole precision computation but I have to know it. I've been serching for it at but found nothing.
Please help.