The line numeber 1 is red, not green, what's wrong with this?
The error message is 5082:Syntax error. It should be wrong definition of the function
Thank you !
The beam has changed position from AB to A^B^ because of the force on it. I am supposed to define the changing disp according to force using udf.
In my opinion, UEL is applied for defining the disp, vel,acc, and their differentials, but how to define the relationship of the changing position of...
How to use Abaqus user define function define the displacement with the known forces on the finite element structure? Can anyone have a similar udf code? my email is, thank you!
Hi, I am using the user define function to define the buoyancy of the beam under wave condition.How to pass the instantaneous wave elevation in .inp file into the .for file for calculation?
Thank you for your reply.
I have defined DENSITY and GRAVITY in input file, so you means I didn't call these parameters from the inp file, then how to call the parameters?
I am trying to use user defined function to define the buoyancy of the submerged beam in water.
The buoyancy can be determined by ρgVs. The submerged volume can be decided if we know the distance between the cross section center to the free surface. The problem is how to decide the distance...
Abaqus standard cannot predict the buoyancy correctly, it can either give the full submerged buoyancy or 0, depending on the relative location of the mid point in cross section and still water level. Now I want to write the correct buoyancy for submerged beam under wave condition. As I know, I...