if i have a transformer 22/0.4 kv and at the 0.4 side i have 4 cable per phase
the cable from the transformer 0.4 kv side go to the main cabinet and connect there to the bus bar r,s,t,n
there is a test that i can check If there is cross-linking on cables without disconnect the cable and...
if I have 2 supply power to a building.
one from the electric company and the other from generator for emergency ( loss power, fire for pump and etc)
the generator is located at building.
the contactor for the change over supply must be ac-3 or can be ac-1?
I have contactor that at ac-1 is...
i mean 400vac
what i consider that if you use ac-1 load must be 690vac operating voltage to get this current
but from your answer you mean is up to and including 690V AC.
so why at ac-3 i have Different voltage and current
Rated Operational Current AC-3 (Ie):
(220 / 230 / 240 V) 60 °C 53 A...
in this data sheet:
Rated Operational Current AC-1 (Ie):
(690 V) 40 °C 100 A
(690 V) 60 °C 80 A
(690 V) 70 °C 70 A
is mean that the operating voltage must be 690 vac to get this nominal current? and...
Further to the question I asked:
Regarding to the attach drawing if I change the connection between points 9 and 12 this mean the star point (4,8,9)
What tensions will I measure between the phases and and neutral