Hi All,
sometimes I have to check drawings. I have to search texts on main sheet. I use the Edit/Find... command, but it doesn't work, if the texts are in 2D Component. It is possible to find the texts "everywhere" on the main sheet ?
Dear All,
I want to select a point with macro. The point can be a point, an extract, an intersect, a translate etc. How can I use the "pointfilter" by selection in macro?
InputObjectType(0) = "????"
Thank you!
I have a drwtable. In all cell are text in two row (with shift+enter).
With catscript (Cell.SetFontSize) can I change just the whole text in a cell. It's possibile to change the font size just in 2nd row?
Thank You!
Hi Gents,
here is a part of a macro. This find all deactivated features in my part and select them.
selection1.Search "CATPrtSearch.*.Activity=FALSE, all"
How sholud I change this, to find all my CCP linked elements (Bodies, Curves, Lines, Axis Systems)?