I have never used a LV Teck90 cable before and I feel this to be a bit strange. I was told that the outer PVC jacket is removed on a Teck90 cable before installing. Is this true and a common practice?
Thank you!
Per IEEE C57.158, recommended tests on stabilizing winding (when the open delta with two bushings is connected externally and grounded):
1. turns ratio test
2. resistance measurement
3. winding insulation resistance and capacitance measurement
4. applied voltage test
I used the IEEE Guideline "IEEE C57.158-2017 IEEE Guide for the Application of Tertiary and Stabilizing Windings in Power Transformers" to prepare our specification for 25MVA and 50MVA transformers. This guideline covers the delta winding voltage, KVA rating, short circuit withstand, testing...
We have an existing 20MVA 13.8kV/6.9kV Wye-Delta transformer and the client wants to add another spare transformer (10MVA, 13.8kV/6.9kV Wye-Delta) that they have as back-up. Not possible to connect the 6.9kV secondary of the spare transformer to a spare breaker on the 6.9kV switchgear as...
The 400A, 10sec NGR is mounted on top of the transformer. The X0 neutral bushing is also on top of the transformer. The 15kV insulated (unshielded) cable will run directly from the top mounted X0 bushing to NGR. The transformer has firewalls and fence to prevent unauthorized access. Height of...
There is a red and green button (check circuit continuity button) on one of the toolbar at the top. If you activate it, any part of the system that does not get power (circuit breaker open) turns grey. Please note that if that load or bus is fed via another breaker (say tie breaker which is...
For a transformer 13.8kV WYE-Neutral bushing to NGR (Low Resistance Grounded) cable or 69kV WYE-Neutral to Ground cable (Solidly Grounded) cables, is it shielded or unshielded?
Per NEC/CEC standards, any cable above 2kV should be shielded and by that requirement, neutral cable shall be...