I have combined the various elements, but I have another problem.
The periods grow with the number of mode and they are very big.
what could be the problem?
I'll write down the steps I took
1) I create wire part for every type of beam/column
2) I create steel material
3) I create I profile for every type of beam/column
4) I create sections for every type of beam/column
5) I assign section and orientation at every beam/column
6) I assembly the parts...
Sorry but I don't understand.
I do Merge/Cut in Instance tool. I select Merge (Mesh), in options Suppress and in Merge nodes boundary only.
When I do the analysis there is another error: In model....have not assigned a beam orientation, ecc...
But when I create the beam I assigned the beam...
I solve the problem, but the foundamental period is 8.47*10^-22.
There is another strange thing, in the deformed beam, a beam moves, like it's coming off the frame. I don't understand why!!!!
Thx for your response.
I connect it geometrically and I create a reference point for every floors. In this point I create a Kinematic coupling constraint and I assigned the intertia mass.
But when I try to do the Jobs to evaluate the frequency Abaqus give me this error: Too many iterations...
For example the 3D frame in the attachment. All the columns have He340A profiles, and beam Ipe240. The connections (in red) are rigid.
Can anyone help me to understand how I can model this frame...
Hi! I have a problem with abaqus.
I need to create a steel frame with rigid connections between the beam ends and the columns.
I create 3D wire part for the beams and columns, and I assigned the material, profile and section. After I assembly it, and I create the steel frame. How can I realize...
Hi everyone!
I have a problem to evaluate the stiffness matrix of a steel frame with all hinged connections. How does the stiffness change with respect to the case of rigid elements?
Thanks in advance
Hello, everybody!
Is there a way to insert the mass density on abaqus as a state variable, without inserting it in the "density" command in the abaqus material?
I try to use the "distribution analytical" of Abaqus, butthis causes the following error: THE MATERIAL MATERIAL-1 WAS DEFINED WITH DISTRIBUTIONS AND CANNOT BE USED FOR BEAM ELEMENTS. I'm confused and I don't know how to proceed anymore. [neutral]
After a further study I undesrtand that is impossibile to define a density mass variable like the Young's Module. So i think that the solution is to calculate the density in my fortran code. But how can you do this? Can you give me a little help? I need to use GETVRM?
In fact I use the USDFLD subroutine, but it isn't function. I attach my Fortran code in my first reply. I only want that the density mass depens of "x" coordinate.
Of course!
I enclose both the one with Young's variable modulus and the one with mass density. The first one works, because the stiffness matrix is the same as the one calculated on another program. While, in that of the density of variable mass in space, the matrix of the masses is completely...