I run additional analysis to try to understand if the stresses I get are true stresses or singularities.
I am quite sure they are singularities but it doesn't mean I can completely ignore them.
First, I run a convergence analysis and the stress seams to be infinite at the contact edges of...
Thanks for your answers.
Yes I know my mesh isn't really adapted for a final study.
At the moment I am still running draft mesh as I wanted to get rid of the stress singularity first.
I ran jacobian 4 mesh in standard quality but the results are similar.
How many elements within the...
The gearbox to mounting box contact is a no penetration contact (node to surface).
The Mounting box to body contact is a no penetration contact (node to surface) with a friction coefficient of 0.1.
No penetration contact sets (node to surface) under the bolt head.
No penetration contact...
Hi all,
I run a FEA on an assembly and I am not sure if I can trust my results or if they are "polluted" by a singularity.
The top part, a gearbox generate a torque transmitted through some bolts an pins connectors to the folded parts, the Mounting Box. (Enclosed "Gearbox connection")