I am applying a concentrated film on my newly activated elements from UepActivationVol. However, I noticed some nodes are not being called in my FILM subroutine even though they are active in the model. I have tested other nodes which are active and have received outputs by using if...
I am trying to access the volume fraction of my added elements during my HT analysis. I have tried getvrm with 'status' but this does not seem to work. Is there a way to access this information in USDFLD or elsewhere and store as an SDV?
I want to calculate the nodal average data from my SDV's (integration point data) and save this data into field variables.
Does anyone know how this algorithm would look like or how one would go about this?
Hmm is there a way around this?
Would the best way to be save the nodal data and then use a my UMAT to read in the SDV data for each node into the mechanical analysis? Due to the large data this would significantly slow down the analysis.
Or could I save the SDV as field variables and import...
You need to link these in your ABAQUS CAE and command shortcuts. Google this document: "Linking ABAQUS 2017 and Intel Parallel Studio XE2016 (Visual Fortran) in Windows 10 x64".
However, not all versions of Visual Studio and Intel are compatible with the various versions of ABAQUS so you will...
I am trying to import my 18 state variables from my thermal analysis to my mechanical analysis.
I have explored the *IMPORT command for the input file but I haven't had any luck. If they can be imported, will they remain under the same name/number?
Thanks for your reply.
I want to write a subroutine that applies the argon gas flow convection coefficient as it moves along the surface during printing (DED process). However, I still would like to have the natural convection on areas which are not in direct contact with the gas flow...
I am using the AM tool-path intersection module to model the additive manufacturing process in ABAQUS. I currently have one *FILM condition which is applied to evolving faces.
My question is: can I had a second *FILM subroutine as well so both film conditions hold in the same step...
Thanks again for your quick replies.
The scheme is very helpful but I am not sure if I actually need to write UMDFluxSetup and UEPActivationSetup or if they just pass information already known by Abaqus. What exactly do I need to define in those subroutines?
I would like to write the UMDFLUX...
I am doing an AM simulation in ABAQUS 2019 and went through the documentation for the AM plug in.
Currently, I have a working DFLUX and UEPACTIVATIONVOL subroutine which read in data I pre-processed in python based on a desired tool path from the G-code.
I have two questions:
1) Do I...
Oh thats pretty great. Can a UFILM subroutine to apply a moving convection coefficient form the inert gas flow around the nozzle be used with the specification of *FILM ? Or would there be any interferences between the two film definitions?
Thanks again for your replies, I really appreciate it.
Thanks for your help.
I will try the tool path-mesh when I get Abaqus 2019 version up and running.
Also when you mentioned a special feature for cooling of AM parts called progressive cooling. Does this use the subroutine UEPACTIVATIONFACET with *Progressive cooling in the input file?
Thanks for your reply!
So right now I have the laser defined at the top of the wall as shown in the figure.
When I select user-defined heat flux where would I define the surface that it acts on? I have tried to use a substrate and define it on that surface but it just goes underneath my...
I am doing an additive manufacturing simulation in ABAQUS/CAE.
I have two working subroutines: DFLUX and UEPACTIVATIONVOL which both do their jobs correctly in separate models. I need to combine them but for my moving surface flux, the surface I define in the model does not work due to...