Thanks so much for the help! But the following error still persists:
*** Error: package.exe / rank 0 / thread 0 encountered a system exception 0xC0000005 (EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION)
When I look at the abaqus_acis.log file more closely, I notice the following error, which I suspect might be...
Some elements are still distorted when I inspect it using 'verify mesh' (highlighted in yellow in the image below), and when I merge the small faces abaqus takes ages to mesh. Do you get the same distortion if you verify the mesh?
Here is the step file for the thread part. feel free to import it into the abaqus cae. Thanks!!
I tried meshing the whole part with tets but the elements in the thread part are severely distorted and the following error pops up:
2751 elements are distorted. Either the isoparametric angles are
out of the suggested limits or the triangular or tetrahedral
Thanks for the speedy reply. The reason I want to mesh it with a single mesh type is because I need to import it into Paraview, which requires one configuration file per mesh type and so a single mesh type would be very handy. I've tried virtual topology but still cant figure out a systematic...
Im trying to mesh the geometry below with just one type of mesh (i.e. no free mesh). At the moment I have made partial progress by partitioning the instance with some datum planes (as shown by the regions highlighted in yellow, as opposed to orange where mesh cannot be assigned), but I'm...
I've checked the dat and sta file and I don't see any error. No but am I supposed to use parallel processing? Would parallel processing mitigate the error?
Hi thank you so much for the advice! I've modified the code and tried to run it from the command line. Everything was well until the step when the indenter started touching the particles, where the following error suddenly popped up:
Error: explicit.exe / rank 0 / thread 0 encountered a system...
The problem is that even after I’ve defined a node based surface in the inp file (*surface, type=node, name=surf, nodeset) the cae converted it back to node set with the following error: node based surface is not supported in abaqus cae.
I then tried to bypass abaqus cae by running the job from...
Isnt the first method the same as creating a node based surface directly from the node set of the PC3D particles (which is what I originally did)? The problem is that abaqus cae does not support node-based surface when the inp file is imported and it automatically converts the node surface into...
Thanks so much for the reply! Unfortunately I can't attach a picture because of my company's restrictions. But the porous structure of my model is quite irregular so I don't think the second method will work (I tried to create geometry from the orphan mesh but didnt succeed since the shape is...
Hi. Im trying to simulate crushing of a porous material by using SPH in abaqus. I've imported the porous material from an input file, and the porous material is based on PC3D particles with an orphan mesh. I've also created a cylindrical rigid body indenter which acts as a piston. The rigid body...