Thanks! The videos I had seen already but the document is interesting, as they did some real testing and put the data up. Great find, thanks a lot. I guess this will at least give me an indication for the first prototype. Thanks heaps fo the effort.
3DDave, fair points. The floating material would have been less of a problem in olden times, they used air filled animal bladders or reed gras etc,, but the smooth tube with constant diameter would probably have been a challenge. And as you say, the coupler. That's still a challenge today in...
Thanks, LittleInch.
Yes, it is very basic, which makes it suitable for many developing country contexts where people just try to get by and have little or nothing to invest. I had assumed that engineers start learning about their field with a certain historical chronology, but then I realized...
Thanks 3DDave, that is useful. I don't need an exact measure, I only need to understand which are the determining factors for head pressure, as I don't want to achieve maximum lift, just a suitable one.
So, from what you say, it exclusively depends on the number of coils? Doesn't the diameter...
Oh sorry, I thought that the question was so basic that everyone in a pump forum could only yawn about it.
Ok, a sling pump is kind of a modified Archimedes screw that is driven by river flow. This is not a great picture but probably enough to get the twist.
Otherwise, there is this video...
Hello Hivemind!
I better admit it at once, I am not an engineer but a natural science researcher working in agriculture. So bear with me.
I am working in developing countries where limitations are often people's constant companion. Water for small scale irrigation for vegetable gardens or for...