Pumps have high axial and radial thrust at low rates of flow. Are you operating it at your duty point or at a very low flow, say below 20% of the pumps best efficiency rate of flow?
If you are at a low flow move as close to your duty point as possible and see if your temperatures now become normal.
Hi Roland,
This may be something, I have a UG bookmark file that is dated 4 days before the problem in the temp folder and it will not allow me to delete it stating the file is open in a NX component. What is the extension of the lock file I should delete?
Hi John,
So glad to get a message from you! From what I saw your the guy for NX.
The IT added ZOOM conferencing recently. No other O/S update to my knowledge. The problem occurred when I had a freeze up then restarted the PC since then the error came up. Is there something you think I...
Hi NutAce, Thanks for this suggestion. The log file just stopped recording. Before this issue occurred I had an abrupt halt, the software "froze" up and then this issue resulted upon restart.
Thanks much for the though on the revision. I was running this for years and it just happened. Reloaded the software as the first thought, all patches in. A past thread gave the idea to move the files from program to another folder and redo the env. variables. All this has not been...
Hi All, New to this forum. I'm looking for help with a problem I'm with UG NX3 running on windows7. I know its and old version but we still use it and I depend on it.
I get a general fault error when I start it up. This all happened after I had a lock up. I know it an old version but...