So, I tried tinkering with the K-factor values from 1 to 10, and the higher the K-factors, the closer the values are from my hand calculations and ETABS, but still not exactly equal. I'm convinced that ETABS uses a different formula, either accidentally or deliberately.
Yup, I tried that as well, but the reduced compressive strength in my hand calculations is still about 10759 kN, a little bit closer but still far from the value of 9937 kN reported by ETABS.
I'm beginning to wonder whether there are other limit states I should consider. I'm using an...
Yes, the beam span is 20000mm in both ETABS and my hand calculations, and since there were columns at each end, the unbraced length in the major axis is taken as 18800 mm which is equal to 0.939 x 20000 in ETABS. Maybe I should've used a more accurate value of 18780mm for the major...
Thanks for the suggestion, JoshPlumSe. Probably should've started with that. I kinda agree that there might be different assumptions used, but I've not been able to pinpoint the source of the differenc.
So, I only checked for Flexural Buckling (Section E3) since the torsional unbraced length is...
I have a more complete spreadsheet calculation attached here if anyone is interested in the other values I've calculated.
Hi, everyone.
Title says it all. I checked the axial compressive strength of a compact W-shape column/beam in ETABS 18.1.1 and compared it to manual calculations based on AISC 360-10 Section E3 and E4. It seems that ETABS calculates the compressive strength differently than AISC 360-10 even...