Hi Nome,
To add an attribute "testAttribute" populated as "hello", try the following lines after "End Width" and before the first "End Sub":
Dim workPart As NXOpen.Part = theSession.Parts.Work
Dim objectGeneralPropertiesBuilder1 As NXOpen.ObjectGeneralPropertiesBuilder = Nothing...
Hi Tia,
I had the same issue and thought I'd share my findings. 🎁
I just found that you can access the checks via Analysis: Requirements Validation
Hopefully you can work out how to edit and delete from there. 🙂
I'm able to use "Path Selection" when selecting curves or edges when only one window is active. However, I'd like to be able to run my application with two windows active, i.e. using one window zoomed in on reference geometry, while selecting curves on similar geometry in another window...
maybe you have an odd installation of NX? Can you try copying the following files to the same location as my .dll?
C:\Program Files\Siemens\NX 11.0\NXBIN\managed\NXOpen.dll , NXOpen.UF.dll , NXOpenUI.dll , NXOpen.Utilities.dll
Netgara, I've recompiled and uploaded a .zip with a .dll and a .dlx. They need to be in the same location.
If you still get an error please capture it and let me know your set up.
vb.net isn't really my thing but I could share the C# if this works. Maybe someone could convert...
Hi Julian,
I'm not sure what you mean by "Fine Tolerance Model". Is this a local template new part?
Tolerances can be set in Menu:Preferences:Modeling.
If you had the distance tolerance set to say 0.01, you cant just change this to 0.0001 and all the feature operations update. You would have...
here is some C# code to output a list of equidistant points along a given curve:
double scalarIncrement = (double)1 / (numberpts - 1);
for (int ii = 0; ii < numberpts; ii++)
NXOpen.Scalar scalar = NXOpen.Session.GetSession().Parts.Work.Scalars.CreateScalar((ii *...
NETGARA, do you want this as a blockstyler tool? The user gives the single face of the surface and the multiple planes.
The code then does the intersections of the face with each plane. Do you want point features for each of the 100 points or just a list of co-ords? or text file?
Can you share...
Is it possible to define the icons shown in the part navigator that represent UDO features?
Many thanks in advance if you can show me how.