Sorry but I cannot picture what you mean by end plate here? Can you please maybe provide a detail or elaborate on this? If a use Equal Angle like I mentioned, is it considered as sufficient twist restraint to beam B or it depends on the depth of EA?
Supporting beam will be steel pfc while supported beam will be timber.
You mean cleat plate welded to supported beam B and bolts to supporting beam A right? The concern I have here is we are relying on the bolts to transfer the shear to supporting beam instead of applying the shear at the...
Hi, What would you suggest for connection between a cantilever timber/steel beam and another cantilever timber/steel beam shown as below? (Beam A supporting Beam B)
Due to the limitation of ceiling I cannot run beam A under beam B so I was thinking about using EA with 2-M16 bolts but I feel like...
Any recommendation of text books on tieback retaining wall with anchor design? Or can anyone share any example please? I am new to this especially have problem determining the bond and free length and the stability check. I am designing to Australian standard so prefer books or examples to...