High Resistance Grounding & Low Resistance Grounding.
High Resistance Grounding:
It is generally used in mines, Petrochemical industry, generators with unit transformers to limit the ground
fault current to a value less than 25 Amps.
Low Resistance Grounding:
It is generally adopted to limit the...
1) For VFD, motor shall also be suitable for VFD application so you have to check whether the existing motor can be run with VFD, VFD Motor Shall have Dual Coated Copper VPI Insulation, Insulated bearing at NDE, & shall be suitable for dv/dt 1.3kV in 0.1 µs.
2) the present configuration with...
Dear Mr. Nick/Waross
please correct if any thing wrong in this calculation.
What are the possible configuration to communicate Siemens CPU; CPU 315-2P over Industrial Ethernet to Schinner PLC PLC-BMXP586040C
Ethernet Communication Module-BMENOC0301C
What I understand from Scottf detailed reply is that ;
1) here the requirement of RF or Rated continuous thermal current or Rated dynamic current Idyn is about 1.5
2)the CT are available for RF factor 1,1.33,1.5,2,3,4 RF factor Rated at 30 Degree C
3)SO RF factor and Ambient temperature both...
what my understanding for HOT and cold condition ;
let motor is class F (Maximum 210Degree C short time permissible temperature ) temperature rise is limited to class B(Maximum limiting temperature is 185Degree C for short time permissible temperature) over ambient 40Degre C(allowed...
there is two term in motor number of start -stop permitted;
Hot Start & Cold Start
how they are defined in standard; what exactly there mean; let say its written 2 consecutive hot start after what time duration we can give again the consecutive hot start.
what is significant of following...
the ball mill motor are generally slip ring type with LRS stator and starting current is limited to 1,5 times to rated current ,
the ball mill provided with speed torque curve.