I solved my own issue... For those who would like to know, in "borders and zones", you will need to click the drop down arrow at the bottom of the menu and turn the option off there, then save your file.
Hello, I have a question about NX 12 Sheet Templates:
1. I created a template based upon the out of the box ones that Siemens gives you, and changed some of the border settings to get 1-16 on D size horizontally, and A-K vertically. I have un-checked the option to show the sheet size in the...
Hello, I have recently transitioned to a new organization, and have gotten us NX! I need some help in the setup department. I have used NX in the past with Teamcenter for 10 years, but never had to do any of the setup "template" stuff. I have begun customizing the Drafting standard to ASME with...