Totally agree with Belanger and chez311. Keep in mind that profile of a surface is also controlled on both sides of the part. Since the POAS says .02 inches. The part will pass if it is 1.000" - .960" (.02" times 2).
This tolerance (.02" times 2) will also be applied to all outside...
What if you made one of those pins datum A and control the other pin with a tight tolerance feature control frame. Then make that new pin datum B. Now you have established datum A and datum B. Then control those features you need to control as primary datum A - B. You can do that.
I may be in the minority on this. But I have been using construction lines as center lines in SolidWorks drawings for over 20 years now. Why have I not been using the annotation type center lines? Because of 2 reasons. First, as you may (or may not) know. Annotations in drawing views...