Yes Palletjack, I understand you, but the question is about a bend of 95 degree using a manhole for I need take the radious of the sheave inside the manhole and the angle can be grataer than 90 degrees to the following duct.
I'm working in a design using a ductbank 3 x 4/0 XLPE with 4" PVC duct, but I can't find information about how I should Size de netral cable and where I shoul put it inside the ductbak.
The load is 3 Mw and the distance of ductbak is 3 miles.
The sistem depend of substation in start...
The module "Pulling Cable" of Etap only allowed -90 to 90 degrees to segment horizontal degrees.
What about more than 90 degrees?, for example 95 degrees, What I Should do in this...
Thanks davidbeach
One question possible consider more than 90 degrees to the bend in a ductbank?
I see in the pullin cable module of Etap that field of the maximun bend angle is 90 degrees.
Ok Ok, Of course when the project will be contructed is neccesary to use shaves inside the manhole, but the question is a generic question, how can I use the module "Pulling cabling" of ETAP to know the tension of the cable using manhole instead bend PVC.
What parameter I need to chance to use...
The question is about using manhole instead PVC bend, how can estimated the bend radiuos to use in the pulling cable software.
I need to know how make this simulation using the software.
Can someone tell me which radius of curvature to use if I have two underground segments ducts and that makes an angle using a manhole box instead of a pvc curve.
In this case, what degree of curvature should I use in the "Bend Radiuos" field requested by the "PULLING CABLE...