I'm using Abaqus/CAE for pre-processing and find that same element type(ex. C3D8R) can have two different element library options(Standard/Explicit).
Curious that if it can affect the simulation results with different options? If I'm running Explicit solver but chose the element with standard...
@FEA way
Thanks you so much for the answer. I have an additional question would like to discuss.
I’m thinking if stress on the integration points are most accurate, why some analysts still choose nodal stress or centroid stress as report output.
Besides, Abaqus MAX/MIN limits in contour is...
I’m a junior FEA engineer working for phone products. Most of the time, I do dynamic simulations like drop by Abaqus and extract peak stress of parts like display and judge failure risk.
Speaking to extract peak stress, some of my colleagues choose max nodal stress in report, others may...
@FEA way
Could you kindly share the process for import technique in Abaqus?
I also want to run multiple drop test for my study and now is surveying for different methods to accomplish it.