Thank you for your reply.
There are two columns that gives similar values in the excel sheet. Those are the volt values from the two accelerometers. we are using two accelerometers on the pile.
I have to get the proper acceleration values from those volt values. I am using the average of those...
Thank you for your reply.
I checked it with the manufacturer. he says, there is no such thing for this accelerometer. i am unable to generate the acceleration values.
I need to calculate the velocity from the acceleration values and thereby displacement based on the below graph. It is for the...
If i get the acceleration values(in g's) corresponding to the voltage values (from the manufacturer, like the one in the graph), do i need to do any other conversion? Like, conversion with the voltage value of zero g or something?
Or just the acceleration values corresponding to the measured...
Thank you for your reply.
the chart that you have mentioned above is the relation of voltage with g. Is this relationship valid only if the acceleration in g's and voltage in volts?
or if the voltage is in mv or if the acceleration is in m/s2, how do i need to change it?
Thank you for your reply.
the load is not free falling. it is mechanically done. and it is for a rapid load test.
i need to calculate the acceleration from the voltage measurements. the acceleration gives the output in volts, not in accelerations. It there are some issues with the load cell...
I have an piezoelectric accelerometer that i am using for the pile test. It gives the output values in voltage.
How can i convert the voltage into acceleration so that i can calculate the velocity and there by displacement of the pile head?
I have used the equation :
acceleration =...