We have a cover for the tank when not in use, but the whole process is in an open warehouse with all stations exposed including the prep area, and powder coating area. There definitely is some debris noticeable on our rinse tanks at the end of a day.
I have not considered the aerator a source...
We check the concentration by titration daily.
Bath is skimmed with a sieve for surface contaminants daily
Agitated by air pump
We only drain and refresh when pointage is out of line, which was recommended by our chemist who helps manage the system and checks monthly.
For Bath control, we check the concentration every morning before work begins, the bath is heated to 30c and gurgitation is run before doing so.
We have a third party that comes once a month to check the metals content, I am waiting on the most recent results (yesterday) to come back to know...
I am experiencing a smut issue when pickling aluminium for powder-coating. The acid etching is being conducted in a steel bath (316 grade) with approx 1.6% sulphuric acid solution.
The bath is turning green over time and producing smut.
The aluminium goes through a cleaning inspection...