Admitting my mistake and making a correction is “digging myself deeper into the hole”, got it.
I am not loud-mouthing in any way shape or form about these companies. I haven't made any sort of speculative claims on Musk's companies on any of my social media platforms, as I, nor do you or...
Is any part of this an actual technical, engineering minded, intelligently thought out discussion or just a bunch of borderline incoherent political schizo-ranting?
When Columbus sailed across the Atlantic, people thought he was crazy.
When the Wright Brothers said they would fly, people...
Lol, this is pretty accurate. I designed some steel racks and I threw together some basic calculations for the load rating. Gave it to a coworker to look over and he said that we needed to consult our structural guy, as the C-channels I used were set such that the center web was vertical, so...
Granted our shafts aren't spinning as fast as yours, but our only factor in "balancing" them is straightness. I don't have any drawings to confirm this now, but a 10ft bar has to be within a few thou. Admittedly our tolerances are probly a little tighter than needed.
So as long as you can...
I've never done anything quite like this, but general practice is to design for worst case scenario. If you need and design for an overall SF of 2 at ambient, then your yield drops by 30% as you get up to operating temp, your SF isn't really 2 anymore.
"As reported by Breaking Defense,[26] In July 2024, Secretary of the Air Force Frank Kendall announced that the Air Force was "taking a pause" on the crewed component of the NGAD program. “With the platform itself, we’re taking a pause. With the rest of the elements of the air dominance family...
While the F35 certainly has its issues, it is here and it is functional, and is still one of if not the most technologically advanced aircraft made. And with no 6th gen fighter in the works yet (that we know of) who knows when we even would see one. Holding out for one would seem to be quite the...
But in all seriousness. Every company I've ever worked for has used this style and I've never had a problem with it.
Which groove exactly are you referring to? That little dimple or the one that runs down the length of it?
Either way, it's just live tooling on the C-axis of the lathe. Goes in on the Z axis and moves laterally on the X to make the cut.
So let's say you adopt the 123456-001-01 format. You then take that to make 123456-001-02. Is that 02 just a revision now that they will all be moved to for future production, or is it a derived version based off of 01 and they can be used side by side, or either/or, where both remain active...
I started with SW, but that said I am self taught in both and have used them both extensively.
My opinion is that both are good, neither is perfect, but SW is just a little better in every way. SW does a better job with the part textures and backgrounds, so as you start to get complicated...
Without knowing anything about your current set up other than it is a carb, its hard to make many (meaningful) recommendations.
different fuel --> depends what you are running now. Perhaps a higher octane but I don't know your abilities to modify your ignition timing or what your compression...
Performance heads are "ported", where the surfaces are ground smooth (as opposed to the rough cast surface) to promote airflow. This would apply to intake runners as well.
This statement destroys anything you had that resembled credibility. You are clearing nothing but an anti-west ideolog.
1) Suppresses speech of all citizens. Anyone who speaks out in any way against dear leader goes missing the next day. Most forms of communication we use are banned in...