In your opinion could I do an arrangement similar to my 'option 1' except flip it to the short face. If I do 3 layers of 3/N36 with N20/N24 spacers I can get close to even distribution. My concern would be whether the stacked bars are too high from soffit to contribute to ductility during...
Thanks Rapt.
It makes sense to distribute the bars based on load coming in, but it seems hard to practically achieve this with a typical carpark column.
Also noted regarding the stirrups, I was trying to simplify the detail and may have tipped it a bit too far.
Ultimate reaction from the slab...
Hi all,
First time poster so please go easy on me. Because integrity reo is relatively new to Australian standards my supervisors are not a lot of help for me here.
I have a 850 flat plate slab which I'm struggling to fit the integrity reo into the column cores. I had the idea of stacking the...