I want to eroded a portion of that model so that some plastic strain will create. Based on that the internal angle of friction will be changed. And Field variable 2 is my plastic strain.
Hi there,
I would like to define two field variable. First Field variable is the step time and second one is the plastic shear strain. So, I would like to vary the angle of internal friction as well as the cohesion with the step time and plastic strain. I have three step. First step time is...
Hi there,,
I have wrote a code to see the sdv results. Here in my model, I have four parts. For every parts, it creates separate sdv results. Like in this picture there are two parts. Upper pars shows a results and lower parts shows in another results. But I would like to see both of them...
Hello there,
I was following a thread where they discuss how to vary young's modulus with step time. Here is the link for your kind information
But unfortunately, I don't understand where I should...
Hi there,
I am doing research on slope stability analysis by Abaqus. I am following effective stress analysis. Can anybody suggest me some good resources where they analysed the slope with effective stress through abaqus.
I will be very very appreciated of your help.
Hi there,
I want to analyse a model in CEL where I want to analyse in two steps. After running the first step, I want to transform those results in next steps(Like all the stress components), then I want to analyse it from there. How to do this transformation in abaqus CEL?
Hi there,
I run an analysis then extract the result in csv file and gave input as an initial condition in the next analysis. But I am facing some issues. The results should be like this photo:
It is working fine for a model but when I use the different parts within same geometry then it...
Hello There,
I want to vary the Angle of Internal friction and cohesion with time. Here in the black arc at the bottom of the slope, I want reduce the strength parameters with simulation time. Say, at the very begining my angle of internal friction(Phi) is 28 and cohesion(c') is 10. It will...
Hi there,
I was trying to model a cut soil to simulate the basal heave in narrow braced excavation. Here in this picture I used steel plate. After running the simulation the steel plate has moved down a little bit which is not acceptable. I used bottom point fixed in the steel plate. The soil...
Hello there,
I am trying to model a slope. I have some initial von misses stress in ABAQUS. We know that the that Von misses yield strength is two times(2*Su) of undrained shear strength. So in my drained analysis, I need to fix the soil properties before failure so that the slope is stable in...
Hello Sir,
Thank you so much for your prompt reply. Actually, my second step will be dynamic as I wrote the Modified Mohr-Coulomb VUSDFLD Subroutine for Dynamic analysis. I want to see that my slope is stable in the first step, and in my second step, I will apply the MMC where the slope might...
I want to model this slope in Geostress condition where I will expect this kind of result after end of the step. I can apply predefined field in the slope. I want to run this analysis in Dynamic Explicit Mode. But after running this analysis , I am not getting the expected result as this...
Excellent! I have a quick query to you. I am using Mohr Coulomb Hardening. I gave input angle of internal friction that is varying with PEEQ. And this PEEQ I used the following formula in this attached picture. So, My question is that does the ABAQUS calculate PEEQ based on Mohr Coulomb or thr...