Thanks that's makes it more clean with you explanation, Sorry the diameter symbol is wrong and should not be there. I recreated this to fast from my actual part.
I have a slot I'm trying to figure out, past drawings have a MSS on the slot and making a new Datum then a width single segment FCF. I think its wrong and should just have two position controls on the witch and height and get right of the MSS all together. the slot depth is a whopping .13 on the...
I'd be the one griping since my past practices to match the decimal places. I trying to understand Y14.5 better and this is a great way to understand from people who really understand GD&T and use it daily
Say the Profile is .006 around and the points being called out are such 1.8220 Basic, 2.3750 Basic, 2.654 basic to define this area and even the radius is 4 places to .0625.
Thank you its inches. we have some very tight profiles and i have some that think holding the dimensions tighter than the profile will get a better part.
Can anyone explain why you would have a 3 place profile tolerance but than all the defining geometry is 4 places. I have yet to try to explain fully why this is a bad practice and it only control you to 3 places. my Peers say to just do it but i believe its not correct. I need more back up...