Hello there, I was wondering if it is actually possible to use a chiller in a batch production, since it will have to be turned on/off several times a day.
From what I've been told, like any machine, the constant on/off cycles will eventually cause some problems, to avoid them one supplier...
Thanks for your feedback, I asked to give a look at what happens in the cooling tower basin and apparently the water level does get pretty low at the start up, but more importantly swirls are formed ! I calculated the minimum submergence required with the Froude number and it is in fact higher...
Hello there, I went to a learning visit to a plant where there's a problem with air getting trapped into a pump moving cooling tower water towards an heat exchanger. They can't quite figurer out why air could get there since the pump is positioned 2,5 m (8 ft.) under the cooling tower basin, so...
Hello there, I'm trying to help with a side project following up a training HAZOP analysis where it's has been underlined how a PSV might be necessary for a loading pipeline where fluid might get trapped and be effected by solar heat. The fluid is diluite sulphuric acid (at different...
I perhaps could've phrased that better, but yes they did say that the problem is the chilled water getting too cold, but from what you're saying that shouldn't actually be a problem. Also does the water in the buffer tank need to be at 12°C or could it be warmer? (i.e ambient temperature )...
The chilled water, the product is not present at the shutting down phase as the batch has already ended and the product is already stocked.
How would the buffer tank work ? thanks for your answers !
Sorry for not being clear before. The chilled water is used to cool down a product stream using a heat exchanger, it goes in at 7°C and gets out at 12°C, after that it goes back into the chiller unit (Refrigeration capacity 300 kW) where is cooled back from 12°C to 7°C making it suitable to go...
Hi there, I went to a learning visit to a small plant where it was intended to use a chiller to cool down water used in a heat exchanger; from what I've gathered they had to stop using the refrigerant unit altogether as they switched their productions from continuous to little batch...