Thank you all,
But it is still unclear to me since the description in the SAMA standard says that this is the symbol of a automatic/manual transfer switch. Could some one explain more in details? What is the difference and what happens when we put a T in rectangle (means automatically executed)...
Hi all,
Need your explanation about the T (Transfer) in the diamond in SAMA diagram. What is the physical meaning ? Why is it always placed in between PID controller output and actuator ?
Thanks a lot
I don' think the problem is the low DC link capacitance. The power modul has a built-in C in DC link of 235 uF. With two power modul, we have 470 uF. Then I added up a thoudsand uF more. I think it is quite enought.
The whole system has the same Earth signal. Power supply is taken from...
Hi all friends !
I got a problem with my experiment. A DFIM is controlled from rotor side by a bach to back VSC. DC link voltage is at 700V. Capaccitor on DC link: 1470uF, Reactor at AC input of Power Unit : 4.8 mH. The whole control system is programmed by myself with dSpace.
Problems: If...
Hi all friends !
I got a problem with my experiment. A DFIM is controlled from rotor side by a bach to back VSC. DC link voltage is at 700V. Capaccitor on DC link: 1470uF, Reactor at AC input of Power Unit : 4.8 mH. The whole control system is programmed by myself with dSpace.
Problems: If...
Hi Jbartos
The Loading procedure is only on the capaccity. We have no load except the C. (of may be, we can add a resistance, parallel with C on DC link)-
Ovvercurrent as I found by the STATUS ERROR Signal, reading from the Communication Interface of PU. The checking subroutine works...
I got a problem with my experiment. The task is how to regulate a stable DC link voltage (620-640V) by controlling a Power Unit PU (Baumueller Bus623) with PWM on IGBTs. Voltage supply 400 VAC, Capaccitor on DC link: 970 microF, inductance at AC input of Power Unit : 3.625 mH (3 phase).
WE are designing a converter to control a induction machine. The converter uses the IGBTs (8KHz) to create the AC current. We know that a filter at the output of converter is necessary. But I can know if I should take a RC filter or a LC filter. Can anyone tell me how and when we chose one...
I just explain a litte more about this work. I am working on a DFIM, controlled by an back to back inverter. The control scheme is done by an controller, monitored from a computer. The main task of this work is to investigate the behaviour of system in case of grid fault.
Before that, a...
Can any one show me a solution to measure the AC 3~ Doubly Fed Induction Motor Parameter like Rs,Rr,Ls,Lr... Offline&Online? I supposed that we have the Information of the Motor from the LABEL
Ulst=180V ; 7,5KW; delta /star ; 50Hz; cos_phi; 1/min; Rot_A
16,3/9,4 (A)...
I have bought the LEM Voltage Transducers LV 25 -P for my experiment. As recommended in the datasheet, I used the RM as 100 Ohm, RM = 26KOhm to measure the voltage of 250V AC. The supply DC voltage is +/- 15VDC.
But the measured voltage at terminal M is always at 15V when V HT is > 0 , and...
Hi all
I got a 3 phase Doubly fed induction motor 7,5KW,230V/400V,50 Hz, rated rotor current 27A. I used 1 converter to control motor, connected to the Rotor side, start connection. In between motor and converter, I would like to use a Crowbar, and a Switch (0-1-2). The crowbar is for motor...
Hi all
I got a 3 phase Doubly fed induction motor 7,5KW,230V/400V,50 Hz, rated rotor current 27A. I used 1 converter to control motor, connected to the Rotor side, start connection. In between motor and converter, I would like to use a Crowbar, and a Switch (0-1-2). The crowbar is for motor...
Can any one show me a solution to identify the AC 3~ Induction Motor Parameter like Rs,Rr,Ls,Lr... Offline&Online? I supposed that we have the Information of the Motor from the LABEL
380V/660V ; 7,5KW; delta /star ; 50Hz; cos_phi; 1/min; Rot_A
16,3/9,4 (A) 0,82...