Hi. Thanks for the response. The original model was pretty large so I tried to whittle it down to a couple of representative pieces. That didn't go as smoothly as I had hoped... Anyhow, the attached input deck shows some of the behavior that I'm fighting; it might be helpful to dial up the...
Thanks for the reply. Yes, I suppose that I could use a beam or a spring with non-linear properties to serve in a similar fashion. I remain hopeful that I can use connector elements in series just like they picture in the manual. I like the idea of being able to stack the components together...
I would like to use two axial connectors in series. One will be a stop connector and one will be elastic. In fact, it's nearly exactly what's pictured in the manual (without the plasticity):
I am using this in compression (rather, I would like to). I have not been able to successfully...