I would like to use two axial connectors in series. One will be a stop connector and one will be elastic. In fact, it's nearly exactly what's pictured in the manual (without the plasticity): 
I am using this in compression (rather, I would like to). I have not been able to successfully keep the three nodes colinear. The mid-span node acts as a balljoint. I've tried kinematic coupling contraints though I'm foggy on their proper application. I've tried eliminating the rotational degree of freedom using an equation constraint and I've tried just applying a BC to the central node (constrain rotation DOF). For some reason I've only found scant information on this application online. In the ABAQUS user community I found a connector powerpoint that acknowledged that you risk creating unwanted balljoints, but the fix was not described in a way that I followed. I'm using CAE / ABQ 2022. Thank you.

I am using this in compression (rather, I would like to). I have not been able to successfully keep the three nodes colinear. The mid-span node acts as a balljoint. I've tried kinematic coupling contraints though I'm foggy on their proper application. I've tried eliminating the rotational degree of freedom using an equation constraint and I've tried just applying a BC to the central node (constrain rotation DOF). For some reason I've only found scant information on this application online. In the ABAQUS user community I found a connector powerpoint that acknowledged that you risk creating unwanted balljoints, but the fix was not described in a way that I followed. I'm using CAE / ABQ 2022. Thank you.