Hello all,
I hope everyone's year is off to a great start. I am looking for a model that I believe was included with one of the solidworks class books. It was a full assembly of a RC gas car. If anyone knows how I can get a copy of the file or has one they wouldn't mind zipping up and...
Doh forgot to add this.
When doing the wall coverings/roof coverings. Depending on the level of detail you need, you may find yourself creating custom parts to account for doors/windows/angles/turns etc. It is difficult to create say a 4x8 sheet of rock and then add it to your assy. For some...
Cool idea.
Some thoughts would be to utilize design tables for your stock materials, patterened components in subassys. I am thinking along the lines of how trusses/walls can be built offsite and brought to the build site. It would be easy to manipulate and position things in subassys.
Thanks guys, had trouble seeing the monitor through all the smoke :)
I don't have ACAD, so couldn't check. Will look into the "favorites" thing tho.
Happy Friday by the way...
I may be hallucinating here, but I am looking for a button/tool that I thought was in SW when I was using 2004 a year ago. It "was" similar to the paintbrush button in Excel or Word. Function was to highlight the text/cell that has the desired format, click button and then drag over...
I don't have much initial information, but I am looking for information on incorporating DVR with our sensors. We do material testing and are looking for a way to have data recording, real-time data reporting, and searchable data records. I have seen point of sale systems set up with...
You can also check out the ASM books, http://products.asminternational.org/hbk/index.jsp
There is a subscribtion fee, but you might find these in the library or maybe get your company to order volume 21 "Composites"
There are several RAID guides out on the net, here is a decent outline http://www.acnc.com/04_01_00.html
You might want to think about data redundancy since a failure of one drive in RAID 0 would not be recoverable.
Dr. Gonzo
Try using EcoCom's Ecosqueeze found at http://www.ecocom.com/eng/index00.htm
The real problem is not in that SW saves junk it is ole2 fragmentation.
Best part it is freeware. I use it all the time and it really cuts down on size. Of course this is dependant with how many times the files are...
I too feel the same way. I am not against using new things and always look for ways to expand my knowledge, but I feel SE is a regression. VARs can always tell you everything is great great great, but I see nothing so great. I do see they were first midrange with sheetmetal, but after...
Thanks again for all the great advice, we have been showing our design tables for simple configured parts. I have been trying to use them for these drawings I just find it hard to format the design table reasonably. The cells at the tops of the columns contain dimensions as well as properties...
Thanks for the ideas. Pretty much in line with what I have done. Have a flag next to the feature that is present in longer lengths and in the table have called it out.
Thanks for the input.
Looking for some help trying to convey information in my drawings.
Just wondering if and how people show multiple configurations on one drawing. The part is nearly identical between configurations. Imagine a part cut from particle board that changes length. Features and feature placement...
Thanks to all for all the suggestions, unfortunately my time is being consumed at a faster and faster rate. For now I will continue to insert boms for each view and try and work through this when I get a bit more time.
However this may be come a mute point if my company decides to move to...
Just thought I would share my experience with soft quadro. I have a TI-4280p from Albatron. Rivatuner seems to speed things up a bit. Using softquadro I am able to convert it to a Quadro4 780 XGL. So it says. First few times I played with it I was seeing this in my device manager but it...
Hmm. That is not what I wanted to hear corblimeylimey ;)
I have tried the setting you are talking about as well, but good thing to point out.
I would be happy to try out your files if you could send me something that works correctly. I could in turn send you similar if you don't mind. I can...
Thank you for replies so far. I am running into trouble when:
page 1. I create a bom from a simple ISO view.
page 2. I create views from derived configurations in the
original view on page one. These views are
derived and in my mind should therefore be
Quick note:
I see that I can set my bubbles to link to a specific file.
Not happening for large amounts of bubbles.
I also see a setting when RMBing the view with incorrect bubble number that allows me to link it to a specific BOM. This option is however grayed out, on the second page. Not...
I have searched a bit and am stumped on this one, as well as my co-workers.
We are running SW2004 SP1, Office XP, Win2000 Pro.
P4 2.4 1gig Quadro4 550
Files are opened up over the network, can't do much about this one without a PDM solution. Suggestions welcome, but we share many...
Thank you for your help. I have since worked through the problem. The parts are mirrors of parts containing several configurations and derived configs. The resulting mirrored part is not created with a DT automatically. I inserted them and then did the copy paste routine.
To specify a...