There's a round about way in case you don't find a print shop who handles Project. You may already know this. On most computers you can take a snapshot of the screen, and paste it to PowerPoint or even Word. So, you set up the image of the schedule you want, copy the whole computer screen, paste...
I'm answering my own question on this one. Finally figured it out. You create a "Finish 1" column and name it something like "Complete To" for your own convienience. Once its created you go into the "Customize Fields" setup- (a right-click will get you there). In the Customize Fields setup, you...
I've heard this is not possible in Microsoft Project. I would like the progress bar that is within my summery bar to stop at the last complete milestone (which has been rolled up to the summery bar). As it stands, Project will only add up the percentages complete and apply an overall average...