Thanks for your reply. It is most helpful. The design loads are 674KN 8492 KN and 1173 KN-m for horizontal, vertical and moment. There is fixity at the top of the piers, but in L-Pile the boundary condition used is for Shear and Moment, not Shear and Slope, w/ Slope = 0 for a fixed pile. I plan...
Thanks for your response.
The soil to the top of bedrock is mainly coarse grained, with a unit weight of about 120 pcf. The analysis was done for service, seismic and wind load, but for now I am considering only the effect of service loads. Excavating 11', results mainly in excessive...
I just finished the design of drilled shafts for a bridge. A utility company expects to excavate a maximum of 11', sometime after the shafts are constructed. They would like to know how close to the shaft they can excavate without undermining the stability of the shaft. Does anyone know of...