Deep inside the water I understand the impeadance is 42 ohms. V pol energy enters the water at 6.4 degrees with an impedance of 377 ohms as the energy penetrates deeper. There must be a transition from 377 to 42 ohms. Any miss match in impedance will cause energy to be reflected. So is the...
Thanks Higgler. Refering back to a previous point of V pol hitting the surface of the sea at an angle of 6.4 degrees where its Z is 377 Ohms, over what distance is the z become 42 Ohms thereby not having a boundry condition, impedance miss match and energy reflected? Or is the energy just...
I am trying to determine why H pol radars, over a sea path, have a more loby structure than V pol radars. Is it due to different reflectivities of the sea for each plane of polarisation?
Consider a pipe of diameter 1.25 lambda and length 10 lambda. At far end of pipe is a larger chamber. At entrance of pipe is a cylindrical blockage approx lambda diameter and lambda long. Will the blockage be sufficient to prevent RF from propogating down the pipe into the larger chamber?
Is there a simple formula which will calculate the temperature at the tip of a radome, due to aerodynamic heating, when travelling at supersonic speeds?
Thank you photistor, What gain would I expect from a spiral lamba/4 above a cavity as oposed to having an absorbing cavity. Would you expect a cavity to give 3 dB enhancement or 6 dB due to voltage squared being induced for doubling of power due to cavity?
A horn antenna with its aperture, and launch probe vertical, will produce vertical polarisation (with a small ammount of H pol). However, if the antenna was placed on its back so as to be looking vertically up the launch probe is now horizontal as is its cross pol component. What polarisation...
How much more gain could I expect to get by placing a spiral above a reflecting cavity as opposed to a cavity backed spiral where the back lobe is absorbed?