Ever need a wind rose? Here's a start:
'This routine inserts a new worksheet and draws a series of shapes to create
'a basic wind rose, which is a figure showing wind direction, frequency, and speed.
'Input data has the form:
' 1 4 6 ...
' 2 0.01% 0.01% 0.00% ...
' 5...
You can execute a dynamic data link from Excel to Microstation that gives Excel macros access to the Microstation keyin box but that may not help. It allows you to easily upload lines and text into Microstation but I haven't been able to pull info back out. Here's a sample:
channel =...
It can be a nusiance to copy eqns from cell to cell so this sometimes helps:
'Changes a cell to read the same as the cell it's refering to
Sub ClearIndirectRef()
With Selection
FRow = .Row
RowCt = .Rows.Count
LRow = FRow + RowCt - 1
FCol = .Column
ColCt =...
Another option is creating shape objects but these won't be linked to any data. Creat a simple object and then use a do-loop to add coordinates. You will have to scale to screen coordinates and you can stack and group the objects (including text blocks) to create complete diagrams.
This works for Microstation. Notice that Microstation is called "ustn". You'll need Windows' internal name for Autocadd but this demonstrates the link:
Sub Export2Microstation()
Dim channel As Long
With Selection
FRow = .Row
RowCt = .Rows.Count
LRow =...
This may not be much help but I wanted to do something similar a few years ago. I ended up writing a sub that creates a simple colored object. You can't control the scale of drawing objects with your mouse but you can from subs because they draw with X-Y coordinates. When I did it, I couldn't...