Sorry about that. Chicopee has it pretty much right, when I try to click the setup view button on the solids toolbar it creates projected lines (as in top, front, and right side) that are visible in model space. That is one problem. The other is that the dimensions don't show up in the layout...
If I remember correctly all I did was to create a line running away from the spring on the XY plane(assuming spring in the Z) drew a circle and swept it using the line as a guide. Then just moved the Coord system up to the top of the spring and repeated. once that was done used join command to...
Hi there, I am trying do dimension a part in the layout mode of AutoCAD 2000 and am getting problems. It is a 3d model that I am dimensioning and when I try to setup the drawing to give me my views it creates projections in model space. Its been a while since I've used ACAD, been using UG for a...