Is this linetype part of your AutoCAD menu? Is it part of the AutoCAD menu on both computers you have tried opening the file with?
Try creating the new linetype in the drawing thay you are having problems with.
Agreed, but vector to raster conversion does not always produce the results one would think it should. I have had no luck creating high quality raster files of any type directly from AutoCAD.
Ah, the question that has plagued and intrigued many AutoCAD users since the beginning of AutoDesk.
Please be more specific. Do you want to lock entities on layers, or just certain items on a certain layer? Do you want to lock items so other users cannot change them?
These are not...
I haven't really tried this yet, but I think it will work with good results.
Using the file pull down menu, export the file to a WMF file. Then use Paint Shop Pro or another quality graphics program (I like Paint Shop Pro since it's faster and easier than PhotoShop - PhotoShop is more...
Try to share the printer as another name. Use the name you give the printer in the macro, then you shouldn't have to use and \\ or \.
Use "net use" from the command prompt to create a virtual port, something like this:
net use lpt1 \\computer\printer1 /persistent:yes
Where lpt1 is...
did you know you can fillet two parallel lines (join them with an arc that has a diameter equal to the distance between the lines) by just using the fillet command and picking the lines?
There is no need to draw a rectangle and then fillet 4 times.
Are you printing over a network? If so, you probably have to set up a virtual port in order to do this.
I have similar buttons set up with AutoCAD, and I plot to at least 5 different plotters, as well as files.