Settle an arguement...
There is a dimension of 6.7mm +/- 0.25mm
Ignoring the sig figs in the dim the limits should be 6.95 and 6.45 however since the dim only has 2 sig figs the limits are 6.5 and 6.7. Agreed?
Now what if you have multiple tolerance? Do you round the tolerance (e.g. the...
Open the sub assembly, do a save copy as. Return to the main assy and do a replace. It is now a new sub assembly. You may now promote it.
Sean Dotson, PE
The Online Home for CAD Professinals
You need two unconsumed sketches. Start the loft tool and then select the two sections.
Sean Dotson, PE
RND Automation & Engineering
Just keep in mind that assembly features do not propagate back to the individual parts.
Sean Dotson, PE
RND Automation & Engineering
No not currently. We have asked for a Global Rep that will control both DV and PR. Hopefully in a future release.
Sean Dotson, PE
RND Automation & Engineering
In particular check out the adaptive 3d sweep. Although your belt will be 2 the promise is the same.
Sean Dotson, PE
RND Automation & Engineering
It is a challenging test. There is a book named Autodesk inventor Essentials that is very well done. YOu need to know the new features of R10 very well.
Sean Dotson, PE
RND Automation & Engineering
Are you basing adaptive geometry from one off the other? Are there derived parts from one assembly residing in another that s being inserted into the first?
Sean Dotson, PE
CAD Professionals & Consultants Discussion
You SHOULD use driven dimensions when you can. You use them to relate one dimension to another. For example let's say you have a rectangle and you offset it by some amount. Now you try to dimension the larger rectangle. It wants to give you a driven dimension. Allow it to do so. Now you...
Open the second assy and go to tools>document settings and uncheck the "use adaptivley in assembly" and save.
Sean Dotson, PE
CAD Professionals & Consultants Discussion
I agree with Mike. However I only buy Nvidia. Have had way too much bad luck with ATI.
Sean Dotson, PE
CAD Professionals & Consultants Discussion
You can derive them and scale them but they will be dumb solids. Or you can scale your other parts as long as they are fully defined by using the Scale Parts macro located here
Sean Dotson, PE
CAD Professionals & Consultants...
Opne the fileand do a savecopyas. Look at the resulting file size. Use this new copy as the original.
Sean Dotson, PE
CAD Professionals & Consultants Discussion
the proxy path is not c:\_bellows...
You create 2 folders...
Bellows Parents
Bellows Children
the project should look like
Bellows=C:\bellows Parents
_Bellows=C:\bellows Children
You need to read the tutorial again.
Sean Dotson, PE
CAD Professionals &...