...There are quite a few commands that don't work in Catia's imitation VBA interface. Some only work from a CATScript while others aren't "functional" unless you pay the $60K to buy a full blown seat of CAA.
I have been meaning to experiment with the 'CATIA.refreshdisplay = False' and...
In this type of situation, I often times I create a flag to ensure the loop only occurs once...
Dim bProcessing As Boolean
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If (bProcessing) Then Exit Sub
bProcessing = True
If Range("A1").Value = 1 Then
You need to learn how to use Object Variables instead of just String Variables. I think you are looking for something like...
Dim objFormControl As Control
Dim objDateControl As Control
Set objFormControl = frmSchedule
Set objDateControl = objFormControl.tboDate
Debug.Print objDateControl.Value
Thanks! I did happen to find that but I didn't know if I was doing it right. The target computers are XP or higher, so (as I understand it) .NET 3.5 should be adequate (I think).
After doing what you suggested, I go to the Publish Tab (still under Project Properties), and then click...
Anyone know a good forum to ask a VB.Net question to?
If you're interested, this is my problem...
My old computer died. It was running XP and VB.Net2005. I have a new computer (Windows 7) and I could only find VB.Net2010 available for download and install.
My application migrated to 2010 fine...
I'd have to knock the dust off of it, but I have a macro that will modify control points of an existing spline..but it won't create a new spline.
I could send you that and a sample file with an existing spline with 360 points.
The macro works off of angle and length instead of XY coordinates.
If you have one...you could use a programmable key on your keyboard or keypad?
Or install http://www.autohotkey.com/...software version of a keyboard recorder. Then you assign some keystroke to playback the recording.
I have both a programmable keypad and Autohotkey installed, and I use one or...
For low-pressure applications (~100psi or less), I've been told it's acceptable to screw a Male BSPT Fitting into a female BSPP Port. The limiting factor being that there are really only a couple threads engaged (but at least they have the same pitch). Screwing a BSPP into a BSPT is not...
I found this method somewhere...
Option Explicit
Declare Function ShellExecute Lib "shell32.dll" Alias "ShellExecuteA" _
(ByVal Hwnd As Long, ByVal lpOperation As String, _
ByVal lpFile As String, ByVal lpParameters As String, _
ByVal lpDirectory As String, ByVal nShowCmd As Long) As Long...
Not very pretty, and I don't know if it would be very reliable (or even work)... but once open maybe you could activate the PDF and do a SendKeys to accomplish Select All (either [Ctrl]+A or [Alt]+E+L), then Copy, you can then iterate thru the Clipboard Contents...maybe?