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  1. Krautso

    Wrongful termination

    If there is a probationary period written into your contract (standard is 3-6 months) they can let you go within that period without cause. The language must be very clear though. Otherwise you are entitled to a severance. Your severance is determined not just on length of employment but your...
  2. Krautso

    Engineering Fees

    MRM beat me to it!
  3. Krautso

    Engineering Fees

    I think we'll have to agree to disagree on the licensing issue. You're scenario of only licensing a fraction of your engineers because their work can be approved by a licensed engineer is at the heart of the problem. We have lost control over that boundary between what constitutes engineering...
  4. Krautso

    Engineering Fees

    I think a big part of it is the lack of interest from engineers in their own self-regulation. Doctors have benefited from having a great majority of their industry involved in public institutions which have served to ensure that all practicing professionals are licensed and held to a more...
  5. Krautso

    Pay Cut - other benefits

    I would respect a management team that makes the cuts needed to be competitive long term and be very wary of the management that begs employees to voluntarily roll back their wages. They could prevent 10 pay cuts for every lay off. Yeah it sucks to be laid off but thats business. I don't agree...
  6. Krautso

    Dealing with contractors

    Variation in bids is usually due to uncertainty in the tender. The more you leave to chance (or the contractor's determination) the more variation in approaches you get. Some contractors assume the worst and bid for it and some assume the best case scenario and end up begging for extras when...
  7. Krautso

    Crazy handshakes

    For the overly firm handshake....return his grip firmly and place your free (left) hand over top of the handshake. Gripping tightly, take a step towards him and lift his hand to your shoulder height while turning 180 degrees, staying far enough away from him to keep his arm extended. In...
  8. Krautso

    career ideas

    Definitely oil and gas. Offshore work pays well (as does pretty much any remote work like the tar sands) but you're always traveling. Fitting for guys who are looking to make a years salary in 10 months because they have expensive vacation tastes...
  9. Krautso

    getting a bigger raise, my career help

    Don't beat around the bush. Tell them what it will cost to keep you. If they call your bluff, or just can't do it, move on to one of your opportunities. Can't say you didn't warn them. I remember negotiating a raise with my boss a couple of years ago. I had brought the latest copy of the...
  10. Krautso

    Give explanation to manager about why I'm leaving?

    In my experience, management gives the exit interview, not HR. HR was present at one of mine as a recorder but was not involved in the interview actively. I can't really speak to what effect, if any, my exit interviews had after I left but it was certainly appreciated at the time and in each...
  11. Krautso

    Give explanation to manager about why I'm leaving?

    I think we pretty much agree here then. Don't: Throw management or fellow employees under the bus, even if they deserve it. Do: give them some information that's more related to the organization as a whole or, if necessary, build your new opportunity up to make it seem like a fantastic...
  12. Krautso

    Give explanation to manager about why I'm leaving?

    Not too many people suffer in an awful job quietly. There are always signs and most of the time the person suffering is actively trying to change their environment which usually filters back to management. I've always left one "good place" for another so I'm not sure how I'd handle going...
  13. Krautso

    Give explanation to manager about why I'm leaving?

    Depends on the situation, I guess. I have given three exit interviews over my career and at each one of them I was frank and honest. In each situation I was leaving for a better opportunity that could not be matched by my current employer. They all understood and appreciated my comments on my...
  14. Krautso

    Give explanation to manager about why I'm leaving?

    An exit interview is pretty standard when you leave your job. Any reasons or explanations can be provided there. The letter should be short and official. Its a formality really. They'll get their answers face to face.
  15. Krautso

    Got the Job offer, now what?

    Bring up the accommodations. You most likely got the standard language for the offer sheet (as if someone was relocating permanently) instead of the special temporary circumstances you discussed. As for hours, you're better off asking to talk to someone else who is in that position (or went...
  16. Krautso

    To quit or not to quit

    I've been out of school for 8 years as well. My salary last year was 2 1/2 times the salary of my first job. You move on, management will eventually see the light and probably give your replacement more money to ensure retention at the position. There are plenty of employers out there who have...
  17. Krautso

    choosing the right field (civil)

    If you are a just starting out you should be concerned with building your resume. Regardless of discipline there are core competencies. Make sure you are going to a job where you will have an opportunity to learn different aspects of the profession. Your academic background is useful but you...
  18. Krautso

    hard time understanding management

    I manage staff in addition to my own duties and its easy to fly under the radar when your boss is busy. "what are you working on?" is a common phrase for me because in my position I often am the first to be notified of time-sensitive higher priority work that needs to be done. Dumping it on...
  19. Krautso

    GPA Vs. Experiance

    Grades are of no consequence. If your interviewer could not think of any relevant questions to test your technical abilities and feels he has to resort to checking GPA, I'd be suspicious about it. Either he's looking for a reason NOT to hire you or he doesn't know what makes a quality employee...
  20. Krautso

    Job Training?

    Run. Run Fast. This is not the right environment to begin your career. In Canada, it is part of our Code of Ethics that licensed engineers must contribute to mentoring younger engineers. By making you "reinvent the wheel" on each project you are taking months which should be learned in days...