I have done a good number of rehab jobs, and have come across 14S a few times, best I recall they were 1 1/2" square bars. They appeared to be more like cast iron than rolled steel. No idea on proterties, but if you have to remove them, take a lunch bucket...
I recently received a number of files from a co-worker and when I open the files I receive messages to the effect that there are missing .shx file. I have ignored the message by and can eventually open the file, but I have noticed that the missing files have effected some of the text and lines...
Gents, also keep in mind that the sharp climb in construction costs also are in part due to the lack of experienced designers. More often than a few years ago, we are finding that particular details that were developed over decades, have been replaced with 'improved' details, which are...
Mafco, HMC, and APE all have good pile driving information of their websites. The rule of thumb when driving precast pile in the vicinity of boulders and cobbles is - don't.
It is dificult to change once you srart. I suggest you make a new schedule using the correct unit, fragnet your old schedule activities, put them in the new, and use global change to adjust to the new units.
As one of the contractors who use this site, I suggest you complete a cost analysis to determine the cost benefit of retrofitting vs. replacement prior to making the design effort. The contractor’s cost for waiting for a repair often is more than the cost for rework. But just as likely, it may...
You reference them as bearing pads... Keep in mind that some bearing pads have keyways, which will require you to jack to clear the keyway, not just to relieve the load.
From a Contractor's position... Shop drawings are a necessary evil. We understand the importance of submitting correct and complete shop drawings for review, because we do not want to find a conflict during construction whereby we would lose time or money. My single compliant is that we are...
I though I would throw my 15 years of bridge inspection, maintenance, NDT evaluation, and construction experience in the mix. And, just to start, I do not know of any reasonable manner of detecting a fatigue crack using ultrasonic inspection. The majority of fatigue cracks are found using...
I have several hundred feet of paved ditch to install, and would like to benefit from the experiences of those who have installed paved deitches. The ditch bottoms range for 2 to 10 meters in width, and the sides slope are 3,4, and 10 to 1, no transitions are necessary. The slab thickness is...
I am in the planning process to remediate an abandoned coal fired power plant site. Does anyone have any experience they would like to pass along on what to watch for, and what, if anything is salvageable and may offset the remediation cost? There are a number of large holding tanks that I...
I am in the planning process to remediate an abandoned power plant site, which was coal fired. Does anyone have any experience they would like to pass along on what to watch for, and what, if anything is salvageable and may offset the remediation cost? There are a number of large holding tanks...
Primavera Expedition is a very good document control program. It takes a commitment to you use it to its real potential (nearly a dedicated administrator). It really is a remarkable tool for form letters, submittals, and overall project adminstration.
I have used both products for years, and I would choose Project if I were dealing with 1 project per schedule. If you intend to have multiple projects on one schedule you should use Primavera. Other than that, for most applications either product will work fine. I agree with the others that...
Looking for a few opinions. I am building a pylon, with reinforcing steel, predominantly bundled bars, ranging from No. 9 to No. 14. With the exception of the No. 14 bars, I would like to lap, instead of mechanically coupling, the reinforcing steel. Some have advised me that the laps must be...
Texas has one of the most reasonable mass concrete specs in the industry. Years ago they worked with CTL, in Chicago, and actually tried to develop a spec that addressed mass concrete, instead of just developing a spec so conservative that it make implementation very costly, time consuming, and...
I have used Microsoft and Primavera for scheduling for years, and have tried to use Lotus Notes and the likes to keep track of what is going on on the project. I have to clarify something, this is from a Contractor's position. Two or three years ago I sat in one of Primavera's free breakfast...