This one is new to me. I will give it a try in a day or two. I've got to spend a little time being productive.
BTW, have you heard of any difference in performance and stability, in ragards to SW, between Windows XP Pro and Windows 2000 Pro?
I clean the temp files, and defrag religiously.
We have not tried PDMWorks.
We can not reproduce it. It is a random event. There is no preceivable pattern. It happens to parts, assemblies, and drawings. It occurrs while performing an assortment of commands, ranging from opening, saving, and...
Thanks for your response.
As for providing info to my VAR and SWcorp, I don't know how to do more. They have received performance logs, files with instructions, screenshot, descriptions. They have been to our facility, both our VAR and the regional tech manager, to inspect our network...
I'm fairly new to this site, but not to SW. My only thought on SW05 is that it seems a little rushed. In my opinion, they (SW corp) haven't gotten a release right since 2001+. Everything since has been buggy and inadequately tested. I, for one, would much rather see them take their time on the...