Thanks Rick and Heckler for the advice and info. Rick, I already am a generalist. I have my P.E. and over 10 years of experience. I've taken a variety of classes and never finished a Master's. I'm starting and this time finishing a Master's in civil/environmental/project management in March...
Does anyone have a PhD in civil or environmental engineering? I want to get one and was wondering how it changes your career. Also does anyone know of an online PhD program or one in the Harrisburg, PA area?
Unfortunately, I don't have a website. A co-worker gets the notices and passes them on. Ours are through the Univeristy of Missouri, Columbia. Contact the head of the engineering department. I don't know of any free online courses. Sorry I couldn't be of more help. Good luck
I've seen all the terms mentioned used. It seems to be a preference of the engineering firm/organization you are working for. Currently, the place I work at used "grading limits" and easement lines to note limits of disturbance. Our specs state that despite what "grading limits" are shown on...
Thank you for all your suggestions. I've just had my end of probation review and have a better understanding of what is expected of me. Going back for a master's is frowned upon but I'm to self-study. I do a lot of road alignment studies so I'm looking for books to help with that and in...
I'm looking for recommendations for a good book on road design. Not layout but the nuts and bolts of the actually design. Any suggestions are appreciated
Starting in 2005, I will need to accumulate PDH's for my NY registration. Fortunately, the University near work here in Missouri has free seminars that I can attend and I can go on company time. I am very fortunate. Hopefully others in the discussion group will be able to...
Hi, this is Renee and I started this thread. I agree with Dirtguy4. That's my argument against PDH's. Good engineers don't need someone else telling them to keep current and build their skill level. The so-so engineers will take the easy way out and take "fluff" classes to meet requirements...
Greenone, I too, have my registration in NY and live currently in Missouri. I wrote to NY Dept/Ed and they said that taking seminars at my local University was o.k. as long as it was ABET accrediated. I was worried about finding DPH's out-of-state that would be acceptable and affordable. I am...
Have you tried contacted the American Concrete Association? You can also contact the Engineering Library of a University by you. Referenece librarians are wonderful resources.
Good Luck finding your answer.
The two of you are the first I've heard that are for it. NY is requiring 12 pdh's per year. I'm upset because most of the ways to get PDH'S require an outlay of money and if the company you work for doesn't financially support this effort than that's a lot of money out of someone's pocket...
Have you thought about going into GIS (geographic information systems)? That is a very real way of combining your computer skills with the interest in engineering. It's a very hot area that is growing as more industries besides engineering find ways to utilize it. Your computer...
Hang in there. It's a tough learning curve. I'm in the same boat. I had some experience with Softdesk and that a little but not a lot. We only have the documentation from the company. I haven't found a third party user's manual, have you?
AASHTO has guidelines for clear zones for cars before they hit something or go over an embankment. I have been searching and haven't found guidelines for a clear zone for pedestrains walking along a sidewalk. The situation is this:
Suppose a person is pushing a baby stoller along a sidewalk...
I'm designing a culvert for the first time. All the material I've read on culverts says that I have to decide whether it has inlet or outlet control. Neither the inlet or outlet are submerged. Won't I just consider this an open channel design instead of a culvert?
Thanks for any advice.