Thanks for repling. It is the length of a text string The use will be putting in the drawing and it is unknown. Now having said that...I need to put have the text underlined. If I cannot get the length of he string, is there away to underline the text being entered. the code i am using is:
Thanks for the reply. But I am using VBA.
The command I am using is:
CirclePoint1 = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetPoint ("PickPoint")
When I Right Click I get an error. I need to trap this error and move on to the next function.
I know it is staring me right in the face..but I sure can't see
Here it is.
I an using the Getpoint function in a do loop to add a string of circles. I want to end this by clicking the right mouse button. I tried using error trapping and it does not work for me. Does anyone know a better way to get this done?
I have created a VBA program that uses the Webbrowser add on to display technical information inside AutoCAD. When I run the program it disables the "Graphscr" portion of the F2 key. If I open the program in the Visual Basic editor and then close it again. The F2 key function is back to normal...
Ok everyone, got an easy one for you. I am about 1/4 of the way into rebuilding our whole AutoCAD menu system in VBA. Our programmer decided to go make more money somewhere else, So i am on a crash course in learning VBA. I am having to take some short cuts for right now. My question is...