Hi All,
I've just realised that I was displaying just the magnitude in the result file and that's why all the values were showing to be positive. I changed it z component which is the vertical vibration direction and the final results looked the same as those showing in the tutorial. However, I...
Hi all,
I'm trying to run a transient analysis using Patran/Nastran. I've been trying to follow one of the MSC tutorial without much success. Please refer to the following link for the pdf version of the tutorial.
http://www.mscsoftware.com/support/online_ex/Nastran/DynAnal.cfm (tut3: direct...
Hi all,
Is there anyway to write out data from a component into arrays? For example, I've grouped the nodes along the edge of a plate model into a component named BC1 using the following command:
I would then like to create a new set of nodes that coincide with the...
Hi all,
I used to use grounded spring elements in Nastran to simulate elastic boundary conditions for a given structure. What would be the equivalent element to use in Ansys? If there isn't one, how do you normally model elastic boundary conditions in Ansys?