Thanks for the tips.
Sorry for the late answer but i just found out that the pc i'm working at doesn't refresh the internet page automatically.
To make an assembly is not really an option. Already tried that.
The draw in view doesn't do the job either because i have to draw a lot of lines...
Hallo everybody,
When trying to create a drawing of a cast object i come across a problem.
The object is a part consisting of a revolved protrusion. Between the inner and outer diameter of the protrusion there are a couple of strengthening ribs (created with the rib command)
When i make a...
Hallo Everybody,
thanks for your answers.
this week i found a way to model the bolt and apply a surface contact condition that works quite well. The result matched the value of deformation that was found in a 'real life' test very well. At the moment i'm analyzing the other models with the...
I'd like to analyse a 3d static structure with Designstar. The structure is hinged with 2 plates with a hole of 11mm. Through the holes are 10mm axles with a simple nylon bushing. I'm trying to find out what will fail under load, the beam or the hinges.
----- | F...
Hallo Corus,
thanks for your answer, but i'm not sure that i understand what you mean. You say it's commom practice to set the tangent modulus "to zero above the yield stress".
If i set it at zero there's no strength whatever left in the plastic regions so they act as swivel points?
many thanks for your answers.
1) The following stresses were found:
linear: 293MPa | nonlinear: 251MPa | nonlinear with large displacement: 222MPa. These are all with Von mises plasticity.
3) the size of the displacement is about 20mm on a construction with 2 profiles of...
for a project i'm trying to calculate the stresses and deformation of a steel (st52-3) structure with Cosmos.
After conducted a linear analysis the stresses are above the yield strength. I thought it is then usefull to do a nonlinear analysis? After trying a nonlinear analysis i found that the...