This topic has been adressed before, but I wasn't able to really find an answer.
Purpose of Post:
To determine the best method for setting posts for a wood fence: embedded in concrete vs. post base atop concrete pier etc.
Fence Description:
6x6 posts, 6ft high, 10ft long (i.e. a short bit of...
How does one enter greek letters into a string?
eg. Consider the following assignment statement, which assigns a string to variable 'x':
x := "[phi] is greater than [theta]"
How can phi and theta be made into greek letters?
ctrl-G doesn't work, neither does the Greek toolbar.
In closing:
Thank you all for the posts.
The client elected to hire his electrical maintenance contractor to do the fix - leaving it out of the Scope of Work for my project. The contractor chose to install starters (3-wire control) on the machines that presented the danger.
As an example...
I am working on renovations to a High School machine shop which involves relocating the shop from one room to another. The idea is to reuse equipment where possible.
The existing shop has rotating machines fed from a panelboard which is fed from a lighting contactor. The coil of the contactor...
I need to specify a 125VDC 60A panelboard to replace a dog's breakfast of old circuit breakers and disconnects. The panelboard will supply protective devices in a substation. It is protected upstream by a 60A fused disconnect.
Are a standard AC panelboard, rated for 125/250VDC, and associated...