Thanks for pointing out the additional areas to consider in this calculation. Any chance that you would be able to provide a time dependent model?
Thanks again,
Thanks for your response and suggestions. One problem with components like the LVDT is that the cylinder is 5mm in diameter with the piston proportionately smaller. We were looking into some some software to analyze the high speed camera fottage.
Hi Ted,
Thanks for your response and suggestions. What you suggest would provide a partial answer, but I really need a more comprehensive analytical foundation for this problem.
Already getting the time/distance information was incredibly arduous because it involved counting thousands of...
First I'll say that I am not a mechanical engineer (electrical :-))so please bear with me as I have been assigned to investigate the problem below.
We have a pneumatic cylinder configured with an inlet port, a piston attached to a rod, and an outlet vent. The inlet port is connected to a...
I always run ANSYS from the Start-Programs-ANSYS menu. Looking at the Start-Programs-ANSYS menu properties for ANSYS shows the target as:
"C:\Program Files\Ansys Inc\v80\CommonFiles\TCL\bin\intel\wish.exe" "C:\Program Files\Ansys Inc\v80\CommonFiles\Launcher\LauncherMain.itcl" -runae
I could...
Thanks for your suggestion, however, I am not quite sure what you mean by running the analysis in a different directory since the program doesn't even start with the exception of the error about the file it can't write to.
I deleted file.err and still get the message about not being able to open file.err for write. Seems like something got corrupted, but what?
More suggestions?
I changed the variable from zero to OFF, rebooted the computer, and now have a similar error where "file file.err cannot be opened for write" and then, program crashes.
File.lock is gone, cannot be found with search.
Thanks for the suggestion. Am not sure if I did this correctly by creating an evironment variable called ANSYS_LOCK and setting the value to 0.
When I started Ansys after adding that, I now had a similar error where the file file.err could not be opened for write and the program then...
After loading an input file which crashed Ansys, I am unable to restart Ansys. The output window shows only the following message" Unable to open file file.lock for WRITE Check Directory and File Permissions"
Following display of this message, the output window closes. I located...
I have created a 2D thermal model which I have animated. Is there a way to show the material boundaries in the animation? I do not see a way to do that. Without being able to do that, it's difficult to see temperature gradients change over time from material to material.
I am back to using the spring macro and cannot figure out how to create a spring with zero pitch. As I move the coil spacing closer, I reach a point where the macro bombs though the pitch is still not zero. The inputs to the macro are:
Hi Drej,
Thanks for your reply. I had read that chapter that you cited, however, was still not clear on how to proceed.
From chapter 7: "This analysis determines the temperature distribution in a conductor due to Joule heating effects from the flow of direct electric current (DC)."
I have created a thermal model of a thermocouple soldered to a stainless steel electrode. With a transient analysis, the temperature gradient is observed as a function of time. The law of intermediate metals states that the thermocouple voltage is unaffected so long as the intervening metal and...
Does anyone have a suggestion for creating solid model files in Solidworks for later export as IGES files into Ansys?
I have tried the various filters and settings (such as tolerence) both on the export and import side and still find that Ansys will not recognize my imported drawing as a...
With all being said about units and consistent units, how do I know at a glance what units my current worksheet (I might be continuing work on it a week later) or someone else's worksheet when I open it up?
Drej, how did you know that the defaults for the coils were in millimeters?
Thanks...I see that it doesn't fit now. How did you know that the default parameters are in millimetres? I assumed default SI units that's why I thought the default values made such large coils.
Also, is there a way to check dimensions on an object that has been created in the workplane...
I was able to get the 2nd macro to load after correcting the syntax on the wrapped line. So far, I have diasbled the meshing but have another curious problem. The dimensions of that example coil are downright huge. If I scale the dimensions to my world, I get lots of errors. I have scaled...
Claudio, Drej:
Thanks for yours posts and comments. Drej, I did try the spring macros: the first produced a very simplistic helix; was not sure how to start the second which uses multipro.
The spring.inp file loaded, ran, then crashed during the solution. Don't know what to make of that...